Install CentOS 7 on VMware Workstation 12 Player on Windows 8.1 (x86-64)

Table of Contents

これまで,Debian,CentOS,Scientific Linux,Ubuntuと使ってきましたが,Ubuntu 14.04LtsでDennou RubyのGPhysがどうしてもインストールできなかったため,CentOS 7を試すことにしました.結果的にGPhys,GMT5.1.2が動き快適です.Ubuntuの方が見た目はよいですが,CentOSの方が扱いやすい印象です.
First, VMware Workstation 12 Player should be installed.

Download and install

CentOS 7 iso image should be downloaded from this download site. You may choose "Everything."
On VMware Player, selecting iso image that you downloaded and then easy installation and editing settings and then you will be able to install easily.
Windows shared folder function should be activated and add e.g. the following in .bashrc where winc and wind are Windows C and D drives, respectively:
# Shared folders
if [ -d wind ] ; then
echo "Windows shared folders ready"
ln -s /mnt/hgfs/winc winc
ln -s /mnt/hgfs/wind wind
On terminal, set the time zone as follows for the case of Tokyo:
# timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo
# timedatectl
Network should be manually activated whenever you login or restore from suspension at the top panel of CentOS.
After installation of CentOS, make the system update by:
# yum update
You then need to reinstall vmware-tools, or some functions may not work well, including Windows shared folders. When updating, reinstallation of vmware-tools will be required.
vmware-tools may be automatically installed and updated if you set so in the settings of VMware Player.

Language and keyboard

You may change the settings for language at the top panel of CentOS and "Application -> System tools -> Settings -> Area and Language" or "アプリケーション -> システムツール -> 設定 -> 地域と言語" in Japanese. Then set the language. You also need rebooting to activate the change. 一度logoutしてloginすると言語が変わります.
Regarding changing keyboard, you need to edit the following file:
and add the following in case of JP106 keyboard and comment out "us" as follows:


[cc]$ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8[/cc]
[cc]$ export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8[/cc]

Install gv

gv is a viewer for postscript files and can be installed as follows:
# yum install gv

Install Dennou Ruby

You should install epel first as follows:
# yum install epel-release
Then download GFD-Dennou.repo file and copy it into the following directory:
Then you can install dennou ruby by:
# yum install gphys
Put gphys instead of gave.

Install GMT 5.2.1

There is some information about installation of GMT 5 using yum but I found it did not work. Thus I built it basically following this post.

First, you need to install following:
[cc] # yum install cmake28 netcdf-devel gdal-devel pcre-devel fftw3-devel[/cc]

Also, ./cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake should be copied as ./cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and it should be modified like:
set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local/gmt/5.2.1")
set (GSHHG_ROOT "/usr/local/gmt/5.2.1/gshhg-gmt-2.3.4")
set (DCW_ROOT "/usr/local/gmt/5.2.1/dcw-gmt-1.1.2")
After completion of install, the following environmental variables should be added in .bashrc.
# GMT 5.2.1
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gmt/5.2.1/bin
export MANPATH=/usr/local/gmt/5.2.1/share/man/:$MANPATH

Install Anaconda

*It may be better to manage using pyenv.
Download Anaconda for Linux from this site.
Moving onto the directory where the above file is downloaded and execute the following:
# bash
During the installation process, specify the following directory into which anaconda will be installed:
Add the following in .bashrc:
export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH

Install nco

nco is a netCDF operator for extracting subdomain of netCDF file. More explanation is given in this post.
# yun install nco


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