Setup FVCOM 3.2 for MPI run on oakleaf-fx10
netCDF and julian should be pre-installed referring to "Setup FVCOM 3.2 for serial."
Compile METIS on oakleaf-fx10@UTokyo
Moving onto ./METIS_source parallel to ./FVCOM_source and METIS library should be compiled. First you need to edit makefile as follows:
*** Edit makefile ***
CC = fccpx
*** Compile on login node ***
$ make
Build FVCOM on oakleaf-fx10
You may change the name of executable file in makefile, not in
And edit by activating MULTI_PROCESSOR and setting compilers.
PARLIB = -L/home/*****/FVCOM3.2/METIS_source -lmetis
# Fujitsu compiler MPI
CPP = /usr/bin/cpp
FC = mppfrtpx
CC = mppfccpx
CXX = mppFCCpx
CFLAGS = -Kfast
DEBFLGS = #-check all
OPT = -Kfast
Then, build FVCOM:
$ make
MPI run for the test case Estuary on oakleaf-fx10
Moving onto ./Examples/Estuary/run and execute fvcom (suppose that the name of executable file is fvcom_mpi)
$ ln -s ../../../FVCOM_source/fvcom_mpi
$ pjsub --interact
$ mpiexec ./fvcom_mpi --casename=tst
Impression of execution on oakleaf-fx10
I performed computation of test cases, including tst and inlet, and found that performance on oakleaf-fx10 is much worse than that on ha8000@hakozaki.
“Setup FVCOM 3.2 for MPI run on oakleaf-fx10” に対して2件のコメントがあります。