
  1. 佐々木淳.増加する水災害とその影響,「水環境の事典」,日本水環境学会編,朝倉書店,II-2災害と水,356-359,2021.
  2. 佐々木淳・重松孝昌.沿岸の流れ,「水理公式集」,土木学会水工学委員会編,第5編 海岸・港湾,第5章,648-660,2019.
  3. Rasmeemasmuang, T. and Sasaki, J.: Wave reduction in mangrove forests: General information and case study in Thailand, In Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners (Esteban, M., Takagi, H. and Shibayama, T. eds.), Elsevier, Chapter 24, 511-535, 2015.
  4. 東日本大震災合同調査報告 共通編2 津波の特性と被害,東日本大震災合同調査報告書編集委員会,土木学会,2014(分担執筆第5章2.8).
  5. 「計画段階環境配慮書の考え方と実務」,環境アセスメント技術ガイド,環境省総合環境政策局環境評価課監修,計画段階配慮技術手法に関する検討会編著,成山堂書店,2014. 12(検討会委員として)
  6. 「図説 日本の海岸」,柴山知也・茅根創編,朝倉書店,2013(分担執筆2pp.)
  7. 「持続可能性とリスクマネジメント(jfUNUレクチャー・シリーズ6)」,武内和彦・佐土原聡編,国際書院,2012. 12(分担執筆pp. 39-53)
  8. 「水環境ハンドブック」,(社)日本水環境学会編,朝倉書店,2006.10(分担執筆pp. 96-100)
  9. 「空から見る国土の変遷」,日本写真測量学会編,2002. 8(分担執筆pp. 74-75)
  10. 「東京の環境を考える」,神田順・佐藤宏之編,朝倉書店,223p., 2002. 6(分担執筆pp. 144-152)
  11. 「水理公式集 例題プログラム集」,土木学会編,2002. 3(分担執筆)


  1. Shao, X., Chen, H., Magson, K., Wang, J., Song, J., Chen, J., Sasaki, J.: Deep learning for multilabel classification of coral reef conditions in the Indo-Pacific using underwater photo transect method. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 34(9), e4241, 2024. DOI

  2. 小杉知佳, 吉村航, 加藤敏朗, 小松伸行, 古賀あかね, 今尾和正, 中村航, 佐々木淳, 中村由行:干潟浅場造成材としての固化しないカルシア改質土の有効性―メソコスム水槽による比較実験―,水環境学会誌,47(1), 15-25, 2024. DOI

  3. Nakamura, W., Phyo Thet Naing, Watanabe, K., Tokoro, T., Gempei, K., Endo, T., Kuwae, T. and Sasaki, J. Changes in DIC/TA ratio by tidal asymmetry control pCO2 over a spring-neap tidal cycle in a subtropical mangrove forest in Japan. Geochem. J., 58, 28–45, 2024. DOI

  4. Lin, Z., Zhan, P., Li, J., Sasaki, J., Qiu, Z., Chen, C., Zou, S., Yang, X., Gu, H. Physical drivers of Noctiluca scintillans (Dinophyceae) blooms outbreak in the northern Taiwan Strait: A numerical study. Harmful Algae, 133, 102586, 2024. DOI

  5. Nakamura, W., Wang, K., Ono, K., Endo, T., Watanabe, S., Mori, T., Furukawa, K., Fujimoto, K., Sasaki, J. A tidal flat adjacent to a fringe mangrove forest mitigates pCO2 increases and enhances lateral export of dissolved carbon. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 11, 2356, 2023. DOI

  6. Nakamura, W., Kosugi, C., Yoshimura, K., Kato, T., Sasaki, J., Nakamura, Y. pCO2 decrement through alkalinity enhancement and biological production in a shallow-water ecosystem constructed using steelmaking slag. Marine Environmental Research, 192, 2023. DOI

  7. Chen, J., Sasaki, J., Guo, Z. and Endo, M. UAV-based seagrass wrack orthophotos classification for estimating blue carbon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 293, 108476, 2023. DOI

  8. Gomaa, M. A., Kasem, T. H. M. A., Huzayyin, O. A., Schlenkhoff, A. and Sasaki, J. Numerical simulation and PIV measurements of the wave-induced flow field near semi-circular breakwaters. SN Appl. Sci., 5, 175, 2023. DOI

  9. Endo, M., Zhao, Y., Nakamura, W. and Sasaki, J. A practical pCO2 estimation and carbonate dynamics at an event of hypoxic water upwelling in Tokyo Bay. Front. Mar. Sci., 2023. DOI

  10. Charoenlerkthawin, W., Bidorn, K., Burnett, W.C., Sasaki, J., Panneerselvam, B. and Bidorn, B. Effectiveness of grey and green engineered solutions for protecting the low-lying muddy coast of the Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand. Scientific Reports, 12, 20448, 2022. DOI

  11. 遠藤雅実, SUN Jing, 佐々木 淳:東京湾奥部港湾域における冬季の二酸化炭素分圧の連続観測,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),78(2), I_799-I_804,2022.DOI

  12. 中村 航, 遠藤雅実, 佐々木 淳, 遠藤 徹, 趙 悦, 上村健太, 小倉一輝:炭酸化学理論に基づく汽水域における水中CO2分圧の推定精度,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),78(2),I_805-I_810,2022.DOI

  13. Wang, K., Nakamura, Y., Sasaki, J., Inoue, T., Higa, H., Suzuki, T. and Hafeez, M. A. An effective process-based modeling approach for predicting hypoxia and blue tide in Tokyo Bay, Coastal Engineering Journal, 64(3), 458-476, 2022. DOI

  14. Liu, F., Sasaki, J., Chen, J. and Wang Y. Numerical assessment of coastal multihazard vulnerability in Tokyo Bay. Natural Hazards, 114, 3597–3625, 2022. DOI

  15. Sok, K., Bidorn, B., Burnett, W. C., Sasaki, J. and Sola, P. Seven decades of shoreline changes along a muddy mangrove coastline of the Upper Gulf of Thailand. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(6), 1425-1438, 2022. DOI

  16. Chen, J. and Sasaki, J. Mapping of subtidal and intertidal seagrass meadows via application of the Feature Pyramid Network to unmanned aerial vehicle orthophotos. Remote Sensing, 13(23), 4880, 2021.DOI

  17. Salah, P., Sasaki, J. and Soltapour, M. Comprehensive probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment in the Makran Subduction Zone. Pure Appl. Geophys., 178, 5085–5107, 2021. DOI

  18. Salah, P. and Sasaki, J.: Knowledge, awareness, and attitudes toward tsunamis: A local survey in the southern coast of Iran. Sustainability, 13(2), 449, 2021. DOI

  19. Maung, W. S. and Sasaki, J.: Assessing the natural recovery of mangroves after human disturbance using neural network classification and Sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 52, 2021. DOI

  20. Ratnayakage, S. M. S., Sasaki, J., Suzuki, T., Jayaratne, R., Ranawaka, R. A. S. and Pathmasiri, S.: On the status and mechanisms of coastal erosion in Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka. Natural Hazards, 103, 1261-1289, 2020. DOI

  21. Rakib, M.A., Sasaki, J., Matsuda, H., Quraishi, S.B., Md. Juel Mahmud, Md. Bodrud-Doza, Atique Ullah, A.K.M., Fatema, K.J., Md. Asif Newaz and Bhuiyan, M.A.H.: Groundwater salinization and associated co-contamination risk increase severe drinking water vulnerabilities in the southwestern coast of Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 246, 125646, 2020. DOI

  22. 遠藤雅実,佐々木 淳:ホンビノスガイの貧酸素環境耐性およびへい死量推定に関する検討,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),76(2),I_1057-I_1062,2020.

  23. 遠藤雅実,佐々木 淳,管原庄吾:東京湾三番瀬における青潮湧昇特性およびホンビノスガイへの影響検討,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),75(2),I_1165-I_1170,2019.

  24. Avelino, J. E., Sasaki, J., Esteban, M., Salah, P., Jamero, M. L. and Valenzuela, V. P. Sustainability evaluation of marine protected areas index (SEMPAI): A multi-criteria decision-making method to determine the effectiveness of the El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area, Ocean and Coastal Management, 181, 104891, 2019. DOI

  25. Liu, F. and Sasaki, J. Hybrid methods combining atmospheric reanalysis data and a parametric typhoon model to hindcast storm surges in Tokyo Bay, Scientific Reports, 9, 12222, 2019. DOI

  26. 桑江朝比呂, 吉田吾郎, 堀正和, 渡辺謙太, 棚谷灯子, 岡田知也, 梅澤有, 佐々木淳: 浅海生態系における年間二酸化炭素吸収量の全国推計,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 75(1), 10-20, 2019. DOI

  27. Rakib, M. A., Sasaki, J., Matsuda, H. and Fukunaga, M. Severe salinity contamination in drinking water and associated human health hazards increase migration risk in the southwestern coastal part of Bangladesh. J. of Environmental Management, 240, 238-248, 2019. DOI

  28. Rakib, M. A., Sasaki, J., Palc, S., Md. Asif Newazd, Md. Bodrud-Dozae, Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan. An investigation of coastal vulnerability and internal consistency of local perceptions under climate change risk in the southwest part of Bangladesh. J. Environmental Management, 231, 419-428, 2019. DOI

  29. Samarasekara, R. S. M., Sasaki, J., Jayaratne, R., Suzuki, T., Ranawaka, R. A. S. and Pathmasiri, S. D.: Historical changes in the shoreline and management of Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka, from 1980 to 2017. Ocean and Coastal Management, 165, 370-384, 2018. DOI

  30. Amunugama, M. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical modeling of long-term biogeochemical processes and its application to sedimentary bed formation in Tokyo Bay, Water, 10(5), 572, 2018. DOI(査読あり)

  31. 佐藤 文也, 佐々木 淳, A. A. W. R. R. M. K. AMUNUGAMA: 水底質統合モデルを用いた東京湾における炭素収支の推算と気候変動に伴う将来予測, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 73(2), I_1441-I_1446, 2017. DOI(査読あり)

  32. Nguyen, H. Q., Sasaki, J., Higa, H. and Nguyen, H.: Spatiotemporal variation of turbidity based on Landsat 8 OLI in Cam Ranh Bay and Thuy Trieu Lagoon, Vietnam, Water, 9(8), 570, 2017. DOI(査読あり)

  33. Ratnayakage, S. M. S., Sasaki, J., Esteban, M. and Matsuda, H.: Assessment of the co-benefits of structures in coastal areas for tsunami mitigation and improving community resilience in Sri Lanka, Int. J. of Disaster Risk Reduction, 23, 80-92, 2017. DOI(査読あり)

  34. 川崎浩司,二村昌樹,下川信也,飯塚聡,栢原孝浩,佐々木 淳:海洋流動モデルFVCOMとメソ数値予報モデルを用いた日本周辺海域の高潮推算,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),72(2), I_199-I_204, 2016.

  35. 小竹康夫,磯貝初奈,松村章子,佐々木淳:気候変動が防波堤築造工事に与える影響と対策案の検討,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),72(2), I_1183-I_1188, 2016.

  36. 呉海鍾,佐々木淳,佐野弘明:東京湾奥部における柱状採泥に基づく有機汚濁底質の時空間堆積特性,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),72(2),I_1291-I_1296,2016. DOI

  37. 鈴木崇之,岡崎光平,佐々木 淳,Thamnoon RASMEEMASMUANG,Anurak SRIARIYAWAT5,齊藤翔太,中村由行:マングローブ沼地における竹柵による消波効果に関する研究,土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),72(2), I_55-I_60, 2016. DOI

  38. Wiyono, R. U. A., Sasaki, J. and Suzuki, T.: Unstructured mesh tsunami simulation considering the fine structure of land use, J. JSCE B2 (Coastal Eng.), 71(2), I_313-I_318, 2015. DOI

  39. Amunugama, A. A. W. R. R. M. K., Sasaki, J., Nakamura, Y. and Suzuki, T.: Spatial distribution of sediment quality in Tokyo Bay through benthic-pelagic coupled modeling approach, J. JSCE B2 (Coastal Eng.), 71(2), I_1399-I_1404, 2015. DOI

  40. 佐藤文也,佐々木淳,佐野弘明,呉海鍾:東京湾奥部における硫化物を含む無酸素水塊の変動特性と数値再現,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),71(2),I_1267-I_1272,2015.DOI

  41. Amunugama, A.A.W.R.R.M.K., Sasaki, J., Nakamura, Y. and Suzuki, T.: Development of a benthic-pelagic coupled model for reproducing water quality in Tokyo Bay, J. JSCE B3 (Ocean Eng.), 71(2), I_886_I_891, 2015. DOI

  42. Shimozono, T., Tajima, Y., Kennedy, A.B., Nobuoka, H., Sasaki, J. and Sato, S.: Combined infragravity wave and sea-swell runup over fringing reefs by super typhoon Haiyan, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 120(6), 4463–4486, 2015. DOI

  43. Suzuki, T., Hosoya, T. and Sasaki, J.: Estimating wave height using the difference in percentile sound level of coastal sound at Hasaki, Japan, Coastal Eng., 99, 73-81, 2015. DOI

  44. 鈴木崇之,小池要平,佐々木 淳,田中陽二:発電放流に着目した相模湖の流況変動,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),71 (1),11-15,2015.

  45. Wiyono, R.U.A., Sasaki, J. and Suzuki, T.: Effects of the tsunami countermeasures focusing on the tsunami arrival time in Kamakura, J. JSCE B2 (Coastal Eng.), 70 (2), I_1331-I_1335, 2014. (査読有,reviewed)

  46. 信岡尚道,安田誠宏,田島芳満,森 信人,下園 武範,佐々木 淳, 辻尾大樹,Andrew KENNEDY,宮本 守:強大台風ハイヤンに伴うヘルナニ町沿岸の浸水被害の調査,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),70 (2),I_1426-I_1430, 2014.(査読有)

  47. 瀬戸正太,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之,Thamnoon RASMEEMASMUANG,Anurak SRIARIYAWAT:タイ湾奥部マングローブ沼地における海岸侵食の実態と有効な対策,土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),70 (2),I_1461-I_1465,2014.(査読有)

  48. 本間真平,鈴木崇之,佐々木 淳:大船渡湾口における2011年東北地震津波挙動の動画解析,土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),70 (2),I_283-I_288,2014.(査読有)

  49. Chen, C., Lai, Z., Beardsley, R.C., Sasaki, J., Lin, J., Lin, H., Ji, R. and Sun, Y.: The March 11, 2011 Tōhoku M9.0 Earthquake-induced tsunami and coastal inundation along the Japanese coast: A model assessment, Prog. Oceanogr., 123, 84-104, 2014. DOI (査読有, Reviewed)

  50. Mikami, T., Shibayama, T., Esteban, M., Ohira, K., Sasaki, J., Suzuki, T., Achiari, H. and Widodo, T.: Tsunami vulnerability evaluation in the Mentawai islands based on the field survey of the 2010 tsunami, Natural Hazards, 71(1), 851-870, 2013. DOI (査読有, Reviewed)

  51. Lai, Z., Chen, C., Beardsley, R., Lin, H., Ji, R., Sasaki, J. and Lin, J.: Initial spread of 137Cs from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant over the Japan continental shelf: a study using a high-resolution, global-coastal nested ocean model, Biogeosciences, 10(8), 5439-5449, 2013. DOI (査読有, Reviewed)

  52. Wiyono, R.U.A., Sasaki, J. and Suzuki, T.: Numerical assessment of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami in ports of Tokyo Bay with the effectiveness of floodgates, J. Coastal Res., SI65, 844-849, 2013. DOI(査読有, Reviewed)

  53. Niroshinie, M.A.C., Suzuki, T. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical modeling of bed profile evolution using Large Eddy Simulation, J. Coastal Res., SI65, 350-355, 2013. DOI(査読有, Reviewed)

  54. 本間真平,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之:大船渡湾における2011年東北地震津波の動画解析,土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発),69(2), I_443-I_448, 2013.(査読有)

  55. 田中陽二,岡崎光平,佐々木淳: 閉鎖性内湾における残差流に着目したメッシュ細分化指標の検討, 土木学会論文集B3(海洋開発), 69(2), I_1246-I_1251, 2013. DOI. (査読有)

  56. 鈴木崇之,細谷 拓,佐々木 淳.波崎海岸における海岸環境音の時間率騒音レベル差を用いた波高の推定.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),69 (1), 1-8,2013.(査読有)

  57. 佐々木 淳,山本修司,Retno Utami Agung WIYONO,鈴木崇之,田中陽二.2011年東北津波による東京湾のノリ養殖被害に関する考察.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),69(2),I_351-I_355,2013.(査読有)

  58. Orton, T. G., Lark, R. M. and Sasaki, J. Using Geostatistics to analyze prediction errors from a simulation model of sediment particle sizes across Tokyo Bay. J. Coastal Res., 29(1), 141-156, 2013. DOI(査読有, Reviewed)

  59. 佐々木 淳,伊藤一教,鈴木崇之,Retno Utami Agung WIYONO,織田幸伸,高山百合子,羽角華奈子,古田敦史,高木泰士:2011年東北津波の東京湾内での伝播特性と被害状況.土木学会論文集B2,68(2),I_261-I_265,2012.(査読有)

  60. 礒崎智史,鈴木崇之,佐々木 淳.バームの形成侵食に着目した短期海浜地形変化モデルの高精度化.土木学会論文集B2,68(2),I_536-I_540,2012.(査読有)

  61. 鈴木崇之,佐々木 淳,田島芳満,早野公敏:2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震津波の岩手県南部における被災調査.土木学会論文集B3,68(2),I_25-I_30,2012.(査読有)

  62. 榎 正浩, 藤田健志, 島谷 学, 石原慎太郎, 鈴木高二朗, 佐々木 淳, 関本恒浩:人工島建設プロジェクトの事例分析と評価.土木学会論文集B3,68(2),I_408-I_413,2012.(査読有)

  63. 島谷 学, 石原慎太郎, 榎 正浩, 藤田健志, 鈴木高二朗, 佐々木 淳, 関本恒浩:機能と地域性に着目した人工島建設プロジェクトの提案.土木学会論文集B3,68(2),I_414-I_419,2012.(査読有)

  64. 伊藤義将,木村光俊,玉上和範,足立吉宏,吉原到,鈴木高二朗,佐々木 淳,関本恒浩:閉鎖性海域における既往の環境改善プロジェクトの評価.土木学会論文集B3,68(2),I_420-I_425,2012.(査読有)

  65. 足立吉宏,吉原到,玉上和範,伊藤義将,木村光俊,鈴木高二朗,佐々木 淳,関本恒浩:閉鎖性海域における実現性と有効性を踏まえた環境改善プロジェクトの提案.土木学会論文集B3,68(2),I_426-I_431,2012.(査読有)

  66. Sasaki, J., Ito, K., Suzuki, T., Wiyono, R.U.A., Oda, Y., Takayama, Y., Yokota, K., Furuta, A. and Takagi, H.: Behavior of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami and resultant damage in Tokyo Bay. Coastal Engineering J., 54(1), 1250012, 26pp., 2012. (査読有, Reviwed)

  67. Mori, N., Takahashi, T. and The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group, Nationwide survey of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol.54, No. 1, 1250001, 27pp., 2012. (doi: 10.1142/S0578563412500015)(査読有, Reviewed)

  68. 鈴木崇之,今西由希路,佐々木 淳,坂本光波:浪音を用いた波高の推定.土木学会論文集B2,Vol. 67,No. 2,1346-1350,2011.(査読有)

  69. 石井光廣,古川恵太,佐々木 淳,柿野 純,増田修一,小森明裕,桃井幹夫,麻生晃也:東京湾底層DO分布の短期予測システムの水産分野への活用に向けた実証的研究.土木学会論文集B2,Vol. 67,No. 2,1236-1240,2011.(査読有)

  70. 佐々木 淳,中村元哉,鈴木崇之:相模湖における発電放流を利用したアオコ抑制手法に関する検討.土木学会論文集B2,Vol. 67,No. 2,906-910,2011.(査読有)

  71. 佐々木 淳,D. P. C. Laknath,鈴木 崇之:スリランカ・キリンダ漁港における南西・北東モンスーンによる土砂堆積変動の把握.土木学会論文集B3,Vol. 67,No. 2,1141-1146,2011.(査読有)

  72. The 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami joint survey group, Nationwide field survey of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake tsunami: Jorunal of JSCE, Ser. B2(Coastal Eng.), Vol. 67, No.1, 63-66, 2011.(査読有, Reviewed)

  73. Sasaki, J., Komatsu, Y., Matsumaru, R. and Wiyono, R. U. A.: Unstructured model investigation of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami inundation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, J. Coastal Res., SI64, 941-945, 2011.(査読有, Reviewed)

  74. Laknath, D. P. C. and Sasaki, J.: Assessment of the tsunami rehabilitated fishery harbours in Sri Lanka, J. Coastal Res., SI64, 1245-1249, 2011.(査読有, Reviewed)

  75. 小松雄二,佐々木 淳,松丸 亮:非構造格子モデルを用いたバンダアチェにおける2004年インド洋大津波の追算.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 66,No. 1,256-260, 2010.(査読有)

  76. 武田将英,松澤圭祐,佐々木淳,津田宗男,松田信彦:成層水域における下層への土砂投入に伴う濁りの拡散特性.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 66,No. 1,946-950,2010.(査読有)

  77. Kasem, T. H. M. A.・佐々木 淳:潜堤上波動場を対象としたWENO・Level Set法に基づく気液混相流モデルの開発.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),Vol. 66,No. 1,36-40,2010.(査読有)

  78. Kasem, T. H. M. A. and Sasaki, J.: Multiphase modeling of wave propagation over submerged obstacles using WENO and Level Set methods. Coastal Engineering J., 52(3), 235-259, 2010. (査読有, Reviewed)

  79. Kasem, T. H. M. A. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical modeling and experimental visualization of wave propagation over semicircular obstacles. Proc. 20th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., 760-767, 2010. (査読有, Reviewed)

  80. 佐々木 淳:海外における閉鎖性海域の環境改善の取り組み?ボストン湾を例として?.海洋開発論文集,26,7-12,2010.(査読有)

  81. Sasaki, J., Kanayama, S., Nakase, K., and Kino, S.: Effective application of mechanical circulator for reducing hypoxia in an estuarine trench. Coastal Eng. J., 51(4), 309-339, 2009. (査読有, Reviewed)

  82. 市岡志保,佐々木 淳,吉本侑矢,下迫健一郎,木村俊介:航路と浚渫窪地に着目した硫化物動態と青潮影響に関する考察.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),B2-65,No. 1,1041-1045,2009.(査読有)

  83. 吉本侑矢,佐々木 淳,下迫健一郎,木村俊介:浚渫窪地における導水を用いた貧酸素改善に関する検討.土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学),B2-65,No. 1,1176-1180,2009.(査読有)

  84. Kasem, T. H. M. A. and Sasaki, J.: Modeling of multiphase flow using level set methods and accurate hyperbolic solvers. Annual J. Civil Eng. in the Ocean, 25, 843-848, 2009. (査読有, Reviwed)

  85. Sasaki, J., Kawamoto, S., Yoshimoto Y., Ishii, M. and Kakino, J.: Evaluation of the amount of hydrogen sulfide in a dredged trench of Tokyo Bay. J. Coastal Res., SI56, 890-894, 2009. (査読有, Reviewed)

  86. 前田周作,佐々木 淳:アサリと有機物分解速度に着目した干潟・浅場環境の比較評価手法の開発.海岸工学論文集,55,1156-1160,2008.(査読有)

  87. Rasmeemasmuang, T. and Sasaki, J.: Modeling of mud accumulation and bed characteristics in Tokyo Bay, Coastal Engineering J., 50(3), pp. 277-308, 2008.(査読有, Reviewed)

  88. 市岡志保,佐々木 淳,吉本侑矢,松坂省一,有路隆一,諸星一信:東京湾奥部の浚渫窪地における硫化物量の簡易推定手法の提案.海洋開発論文集,Vol. 24, pp. 669-674, 2008.(査読有)

  89. 東 将司,佐々木 淳:東京湾三番瀬におけるカキ礁生態系の環境機能評価,海洋開発論文集,Vol. 24, pp.801-806, 2008(査読有)

  90. 佐々木 淳,川本慎哉,吉本侑矢,石井光廣,柿野 純:東京湾の青潮に及ぼす平場と浚渫窪地水塊の影響評価.海岸工学論文集,Vol. 54,pp. 1041-1045,2007.(査読有)

  91. 佐々木 淳,佐藤雄太,Thamnoon Rasmeemasmuang,柴山知也:東京湾奥中央部における軟泥の形成要因に関する一考察.海岸工学論文集,Vol. 54,pp. 1046-1050,2007.(査読有)

  92. Thamnoon Rasmeemasmuang,佐々木 淳:内湾における粒径を考慮した底質堆積モデルの開発.海洋開発論文集,Vol. 23,pp. 1141-1146,2007.(査読有)

  93. 佐々木 淳,角田 篤:横浜港における底質環境特性に関する現地調査.海洋開発論文集,Vol. 23,pp. 1147-1152,2007.(査読有)

  94. 古牧 大樹,佐々木 淳:LED光による光合成促進を活用した藻場再生に関する基礎的検討.海洋開発論文集,Vol. 23,pp. 393-398,2007.(査読有)

  95. 武田真典,佐々木 淳,三上信雄,佐々木洋之,足立有平,熊田康邦:漁港泊地を対象とした底層貧酸素水改善のためのマイクロバブル現地実験.海洋開発論文集,Vol. 23,pp. 733-738,2007.(査読有)

  96. Achiari, H. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical Analysis of Wind-Wave Climate Change and Spatial Distribution of Bottom Sediment Properties in Sanbanze Shallows of Tokyo Bay, J. Coastal Res., SI50, 343-347, 2007.(査読有, Reviewed)

  97. 上田嘉通,佐々木 淳:東京湾流域圏におけるリン循環の推定と社会的変化による応答予測,海岸工学論文集,53,1376-1380, 2006.

  98. 佐々木 淳,前田周作:酸素消費速度に着目した干潟・浅瀬の環境評価,海岸工学論文集,53,1046-1050, 2006.(査読有)

  99. 佐々木 洋之,佐々木 淳,武田真典,岡野崇裕,足立有平:閉鎖性水域におけるマイクロバブル発生装置を用いた溶存酸素供給効果の把握,海岸工学論文集,53,1171-1175, 2006.(査読有)

  100. 柴山知也,岡安章夫,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之,松丸 亮:2004年スマトラ沖地震津波のインドネシア・バンダアチェ被害調査,海岸工学論文集,52,1371-1375,2005.(査読有)

  101. 柴山知也,岡安章夫,Nimal Wijayaratna,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之,Ravindra Jayaratne:2004年スマトラ沖地震津波のスリランカ南部被害調査,海岸工学論文集,52,1401-1405,2005.(査読有)

  102. 佐々木 淳,赤枝耕次,Hendra Achiari:東京湾三番瀬の猫実川河口域における底泥堆積環境の空間特性とその形成要因,海岸工学論文集,51, 996-1000,2004.(査読有)

  103. 五十嵐 学,佐々木 淳:東京湾奥部における浮泥堆積層厚の空間分布特性,海岸工学論文集,51,981-985,2004.(査読有)

  104. 鯉渕幸生,磯部雅彦,佐々木 淳,藤田昌史,五明美智男,栗原明夫,田中真史,Mohammad Islam,鈴木俊之:貧酸素水改善に向けた現地微細気泡実験,海岸工学論文集,51,1156-1160, 2004.(査読有)

  105. 田中真史,佐々木 淳,柴山知也,磯部雅彦:窪地海域を対象とした微細気泡エアレーションによる貧酸素水改善効果の解析,海岸工学論文集,51,1161-1165, 2004.(査読有)

  106. 金山 進,佐々木洋之,佐々木 淳,岡田知也,春谷芳明,城野清治,廣海十朗,中瀬浩太:密度流を利用した底層貧酸素対策装置の効果とその再現計算,海岸工学論文集,51,1166-1170, 2004.(査読有)

  107. 金山 進,春谷芳明,城野清治,佐々木 淳,廣海十朗,岡田知也:流水発生装置による閉鎖性海域の水質浄化について,海洋開発論文集,20,959-964, 2004.(査読有)

  108. 佐々木 淳,小出摩耶子,長田正行,柴山知也,磯部雅彦:東京湾三番瀬における微細気泡発生装置を用いた青潮水改善効果の数値的検討,海岸工学論文集,50,981-985, 2003.(査読有)

  109. 鯉渕幸生,佐々木 淳,有田正光,磯部雅彦:有明海における水質変動の支配要因,海岸工学論文集,50,971-975, 2003.(査読有)

  110. 柴山知也,川幡嘉文,柴山真琴,佐々木 淳:公共海岸事業の選択における専門家と一般市民,海岸工学論文集,50,1351-1355, 2003.(査読有)

  111. 佐々木 淳,萩原崇之,磯部雅彦:東京湾における諸空港構想に伴う物理環境変化の予測,海岸工学論文集,49,981-985, 2002.(査読有)

  112. 鯉渕幸生,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:2001年の有明海における水質の動態解明,海岸工学論文集,49,1056-1060, 2002.(査読有)

  113. 伊豫田紀子,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:アマモ場における酸素に着目した物質循環過程の定量化,海岸工学論文集,49,1166-1170, 2002. (査読有)

  114. 佐々木 淳,渡邊亮太,磯部雅彦,五明美智男:自動昇降式観測システムを用いた冬季の東京湾湾奥における基礎生産の推定,海岸工学論文集,48,1091-1095, 2001.(査読有)

  115. 鯉渕幸生,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:東京湾における窒素・リンに着目した物質循環機構,海岸工学論文集,48,1111-1115, 2001.(査読有)

  116. 鈴木 誠,磯部雅彦,佐々木 淳:アサリの生息密度の推定法に関する研究,海岸工学論文集,48,1391-1395, 2001.(査読有)

  117. 鯉渕幸生,小倉久子,安藤晴夫,五明美智男,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:東京湾湾奥部における栄養塩の周年変動に関する現地観測,海岸工学論文集,47,1066-1070, 2000.(査読有)

  118. 鯉渕幸生,五明美智男,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:現地観測に基づく春季の東京湾における赤潮発生機構,海岸工学論文集,47,1071-1075, 2000.(査読有)

  119. 佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦,今井 誠:東京湾における赤潮の消長要因に関する考察,海岸工学論文集,46,1021-1025, 1999.(査読有)

  120. 佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦,藤本英樹:東京湾における青潮簡昜予測手法の開発,海岸工学論文集,46,1006-1010, 1999.(査読有)

  121. 佐々木 淳:数値植物プランクトン個体群モデルに関する基礎的検討,海岸工学論文集,45,1141-1145, 1998.(査読有)

  122. 佐々木 淳,佐貫 宏,磯部雅彦:東京湾における富栄養現象の再現計算,海岸工学論文集,45,1036-1040, 1998.(査読有)

  123. 佐々木 淳,石井雅樹,磯部雅彦:内湾における高解像流動モデルの開発と東京湾における長期再現計算,海岸工学論文集,45,406-410, 1998.(査読有)

  124. 五明美智男,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦:東京湾湾奥の浚渫窪地における湧昇現象の現地観測,海岸工学論文集,45,981-985, 1998.(査読有)

  125. 渡辺 晃,中村裕史,佐々木 淳,小林 博,磯部雅彦:斜め入射波の遡上とそれに伴う浜漂砂の数値モデル,海岸工学論文集,45,186-190, 1998.(査読有)

  126. 佐々木 淳:東京湾湾奥水塊の湧昇現象と青潮への影響,海岸工学論文集,44, 1101-1105, 1997.(査読有)

  127. 佐々木 淳,今井 誠,磯部雅彦:内湾における溶存酸素濃度予測モデル,海岸工学論文集,44, 1091-1095, 1997.(査読有)

  128. 佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦,渡辺 晃,五明美智男:東京湾における青潮の発生規模に関する考察,海岸工学論文集,43, 1111-1115, 1996.(査読有)

  129. 佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦,渡辺 晃,五明美智男:東京湾における貧酸素化現象および水温・溶存酸素の季節変動モデル,海岸工学論文集,40, 1051-1055, 1993.(査読有)

招待講演・招待講義 Keynotes and Invited Lectures (since 2015)

  1. Sasaki, J., Endo, M., Nakamura, W., Ishida, K., Chen, J.: Carbon removal and emission processes and the promotion of climate change mitigation in Tokyo Bay. The 14th Int. Conf. Coast, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS). Tehran, Iran, May 8-10, 2023. (Keynote)

  2. Sasaki, J.: Sustainable marine environment and coastal disaster mitigation in Tokyo Bay. The Inaugural Int. Sym. Water Modelling, Beijing China, July 8-11, 2019. (Keynote).

  3. Sasaki, J.: Carbon management by Blue Carbon. ENVICOM Workshop, Annual General Assembly, PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure), Kobe, Japan, June 4, 2019. (Invited)

  4. Sasaki, J.: Strategies and policies towards environmental and fisheries restoration in Tokyo Bay. The 12th Int. Conf. Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS). Tehran, Iran, 2016. (Keynote)

  5. 佐々木 淳:気候変動影響下における日本港湾施設の適応策と具体的な施策,第32回台日工程技術研討会,台北,花蓮,台湾,11月19日-24日,2017. (Invited)

  6. Sasaki, J.: Strategies and policies towards environmental and fisheries restoration in Tokyo Bay. 12th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, Tehran, Iran, October 31-November 2, 2016. (Keynote)

  7. Sasaki, J.: Management for Coastal Hazard Mitigation, including Tsunamis and Estuarine Pollution. in Hydraulic Design Course, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, September 7, 2015.

  8. Sasaki, J.: Numerical Investigation for Coastal Disaster Mitigation and Estuarine Pollution. Seminar at Institute of Oceanography, Nha Trang, Vietnam, September 17, 2015.


  1. 佐々木淳:東京湾における環境再生と気候変動の緩和に向けて.HEDORO,144,40-49,2024.(依頼記事)

  2. 佐々木淳:ブルーカーボン生態系の活用 ーその特徴と温室効果ガス吸収源対策への貢献ー.ベース設計資料,193, 寄稿文47-50,2023.(依頼記事)

  3. 佐々木 淳,国土交通省港湾局海洋・環境課:ブルーカーボン生態系に係る我が国の取り組みについて,港湾,97, 28-29, 2020.

  4. 佐々木 淳:ブルーカーボンの可能性と取り組む意義,漁港漁場,60(4),50-55,2018.(依頼記事)

  5. 佐々木 淳:内湾における環境再生の課題-官民連携による生き物生息場つくりの取り組み,都市計画,66(1), 30-33, 2017.(依頼論文)

  6. 佐々木 淳:東京湾 生き物生息場つくりに関する政策提案~東京湾再生推進会議に対し,マコガレイ産卵場の底質改善について~,豊かなうみ,39, 8-10, 2016.(依頼論文)

  7. 佐々木 淳:特別寄稿 持続型社会の構築に向けた港湾への期待,港湾,90, 6-7, 2013.

  8. 佐々木 淳:内湾域における水質変動特性,2004年度(第40回)水工学に関する夏期研修会講義集,B-7,19pp, 2004.

  9. 佐々木 淳:海岸・沿岸環境予測モデリング,水のモデリングに関するワークショップ,土木学会学術振興基金助成,97-106, 1999.

  10. 佐々木 淳:3次元密度流としての内湾の流れのモデリング,1998年度(第34回)水工学に関する夏期研修会講義集,B-3,20pp, 1998.

  11. 佐々木 淳:水質に関する文献調査,閉鎖性内湾における沿岸域研究の現状と課題 東京湾における沿岸域研究の動向,日本沿岸域会議調査研究報告,2, 28-39, 1993.


  1. Endo, M. and Sasaki, J.: Mitigation of anoxia and hypoxia in enclosed shallow fishing grounds using a water jet generation device, Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2019), 1081-1088, Hanoi, Vietnam, September 25-28, 2019.

  2. Samarasekara, R. S. M., Sasaki, J., Esteban, M. and Matsuda, H.: Willingness to pay for upgrading tsunami co-beneficial structures: Example from a railway embankment and a Revetment in Sri Lanka, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 139-150, 2017 (Manila, the Philippines on Nov. 16, 2017). DOI(査読あり)

  3. Kikuyama, S., Suzuki, T., Sasaki, J., Achiari, H.: A study on coastal erosion and deposition processes in Subang, Indonesia, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 503-514, 2017 (Manila, the Philippines on Nov. 16, 2017). DOI(査読あり)

  4. Nguyen, L. T., Tri, V. P. D., Loi, L. T., Sasaki, J., Nobuoka, H.: Assessment of the ability of mangrove structures for attenuation of coastal wave energy: A case study in Bac Lieu Province, Vietnam, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 737-748, 2017 (Manila, the Philippines on Nov. 16, 2017). DOI(査読あり)

  5. 佐々木淳,呉海鍾:東京湾奥部における無酸素水塊規模の推定に関する検討,第29回日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演集,高知,2016.(査読なし)

  6. 呉海鍾,佐々木淳,佐野弘明:東京湾奥部の柱状採泥に基づく有機汚濁底質環境分析に関する研究,第29回日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演集,高知,2016.(査読なし)

  7. Suzuki, T., Mochizuki, Y. and Sasaki, J.: Annual model of swash zone beach profile change focusing on berm formation and erosion, Proc. Coastal Sediments 2015, 2015.

  8. 佐藤文也,佐々木淳,呉海鍾:東京湾奥部における無酸素水塊の時空間分布,日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演集,水戸,2015.(査読無し)

  9. Suzuki, T., Imanishi, Y., Sasaki, J. and Sakamoto, H.: Estimation of wave height by using coastal sound, Int. Conf. Coastal Eng. 2014, 1p abstract, 2014. (poster session)

  10. 山本修司,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之,Retno Utami Agung Wiyono,田中陽二:東京湾における東日本大震災による水産業への影響,第24回海洋工学シンポジウム,6pp., 2014.(査読無)

  11. Suzuki, T., Isozaki, S. and Sasaki, J.: An improved short-term swash zone beach profile change model focusing on berm formation and erosion, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, (Bali, Indonesia, September 24-26), 63-68, 2013. (査読有, Reviewed)

  12. Niroshinie, M.A.C., Suzuki, T. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical and experimental investigation of velocity field on a sloping beach, 12th Int. Symposium on River Sedimentation, 2013. (査読無)

  13. 佐々木 淳,椎野悟史,Retno Utami Agung Wiyono,鈴木崇之,田中陽二:鎌倉沿岸における津波到達時間に着目した減災方策の検討,日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演概要集,26巻,2pp., 2013.(査読無)

  14. Lai, Z., Chen, C., Beardsley, R., Lin, H., Ji, R., Sasaki, J., and Lin, J.: Initial spread of 137Cs over the shelf of Japan: a study using the high-resolution global-coastal nesting ocean model, Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 1929-1955, 2013. DOI (Please refer to Lai et al., 2013, Biogeosciences presented above.)

  15. Sasaki, J. Numerical modeling for assessment of coastal hazards and marine pollution in Tokyo Bay, 10th Int. Conf. Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, Tehran, Iran, November, 2012.(基調講演, Keynote)

  16. Sasaki, J. Coastal disasters and estuarine environmental processes in Tokyo Bay, 2nd Int. Conf. Ports, Coastal and Offshore Eng., Bandung, Indonesia, November, 2012.(基調講演, Keynote)

  17. Attari, M. J. and Sasaki, J. Enhanced numerical model for material cycling and water quality in Tokyo Bay, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, ASCE, 12, 239-255, 2012.(査読有, Reviewed)

  18. Laknath, D.P.C., Honda, T., Ito, K., Sasaki, J., Takayama, Y. and Oda, Y. Study on damages of laver aquaculture facilities in Tokyo Bay from 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami. Proc. Int. Session in Conf. Coastal Eng., JSCE, 3, 46-50, 2012.(要旨査読有, Abstract reviewed)

  19. Laknath, D. P. C. and Sasaki, J: Elucidation of seasonal sediment transport processes in Kirinda Fishery Harbour in Sri Lanka using XBeach Model. Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 8pp., 2012. (査読有, Reviewed)

  20. Attari, M.J. and Sasaki, J.: Modeling of light intensity and phytoplankton dynamics in Tokyo Bay using monitoring dataset. Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 6pp., 2012. (査読有, Reviewed)

  21. Wiyono, R.U.A. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical analysis of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami in Tokyo Bay focusing on high water marks in ports. Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 8pp., 2012. (査読有, Reviewed)

  22. Beardsley, R. C., Chen, C., Lai Z., Sasaki, J., Lin, H., Lin, J. and Ji, R.: US-Japan collaborative research on the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami inundation and initial spread of Fukushima radionuclides into the Pacific Ocean, the NSF rapid program workshop on February 9-10, 2012, Washington D. C., poster, 2012.(査読無)

  23. Lai, Z., Chen, C., Beardsley, R. C., Lin, H., Sasaki, J. and Lin, J.: Model Assessment of 2011 Japan Tsunami and Coastal Inundation Processes, the NSF rapid program workshop on February 9-10, 2012 Washington D. C., poster, 2012.(査読無)

  24. Chen, C., Lai, Z., Beardsley, R. C., Lin, H., Sasaki, J., Lin, J. and Ji, R.: Model assessment of inundation at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant and initial spread of radionuclides in the coastal ocean, 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, abstract and oral presentation, 2012.(査読無)

  25. Beardsley, R. C., Chen, C., Lai, Z., Sasaki, J., Lin, H., Lin, J. and Ji, R.: US-Japan collaborative research on the March 11, 2011 Earthquake, tsunami inundation and initial spread of Fukushima radionuclides into the Pacific Ocean, 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, abstract and poster, 2012.(査読無)

  26. Lai, Z., Chen, C., Beardsley, R. C., Lin, H., Sasaki, J. and Lin, J.: Model assessment of 2011 Japan tsunami and coastal inundation processes, 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, abstract and poster, 2012.(査読無)

  27. 佐々木 淳:関東沿岸における津波の実態と被害状況.東北地方太平洋沖地震津波に関する合同調査報告会予稿集,44-47,2011.(査読なし)

  28. Laknath, D. P. C. and Sasaki, J.: Wave climate study around Kirinda Fishery Harbour in Sri Lanka using SWAN Model, Proceedings of the 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 1059-1066, 2011.(査読有, Reviewed)

  29. 真鍋安弘,佐々木 淳,徐 乃丹:越波型波エネルギー利用装置浮島渚(円錐形状浮体)の小規模海域実験.第22回海洋工学シンポジウム,6pp.,2011.(査読無)

  30. Laknath, D. P. C. and Sasaki, J.: Assessment of tsunami rehabilitated fishery harbour: a case study of Hikkaduwa Fishery Harbour, Sri Lanka. Proc. 4th Int. Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, 10pp., 2011. (査読有, Reviewed)

  31. Kasem, T. H. M. A. and Sasaki, J.: Multiphase modeling of wave propagation over semicircular obstacles using WENO and level set methods. Proc. Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., ASCE, Paper No. 223, 12pp., 2010. (要旨査読有, Abstract reviewed)

  32. Laknath, D. P. C. and Sasaki, J.: Study on sediment accumulation processes in Kirinda Fishery Harbour, Sri Lanka. Proc. 20th Int. Offshore and Polar Eng. Conf., 840-847, 2010. (査読有, Reviewed)

  33. Sasaki, J.: Engineering strategy for managing water quality in polluted estuarine embayment focusing on dredged trenches. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries, 17-26, 2009.(招待講演, Invited)

  34. Achiari, H., Hendriyawan, Choesin, D. N., Anggoro, B. M. and Sasaki, J.: Consolidation of organic sediment in Indonesian wetland. 3rd Int. Conf. Estuarine and Coast, Vol. 1, 314-321, 2009.(査読有, Reviewed)

  35. Sasaki, J. and Yoshimoto, Y.: Field and numerical study on water quality processes in dredged trenches of Tokyo Bay. Proc. Int. Symp. Engineering, Energy and Environment, 22-27, 2009.(査読有, Reviewed)

  36. Sasaki, J., Sato, Y., Rasmeemasmuang, T. and Shibayama, T.: On the mechanism of organic-rich sediment accumulation at the head of Tokyo Bay. Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Asian and Pacific Coasts, 2, 67-74, 2009. (査読有, Reviewed)

  37. 佐々木 淳,東 将司:東京湾三番瀬における泥質域の形成過程に関する考察.日本沿岸域学会研究討論会,No. 21,pp. 37-38, 2008.(査読無)

  38. 佐々木 淳:東京湾における貧酸素問題の現状とその改善技術.Korea-Japan Symposium in Seoul 2008, 2pp., 2008. (招待講演)

  39. Achiari, H. and Sasaki, J.: A numerical analysis of hydrodynamic effect on bottom sediment characteristic in Sanbanze shallows of Tokyo Bay - Japan, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum (EACEF) 2007 in Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia, pp A-26 - A-33, 2007.(査読有, Reviewed)

  40. Sasaki, J. and Rasmeemasmuang, T.: Field investigation and numerical modeling of soft mud accumulation in an estuarine embayment. Indo-Japan Workshop on Coastal Problems and Mitigation Measures - Including the Effects of Tsunami-, pp. 58-67, 2007. (Invited) (査読無)

  41. 柏原 英広,佐々木 淳:東京湾における埋立の変遷とその物理場への影響に関する一考察.日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演集,pp. 116-119,2007.(査読無)

  42. Sasaki, J. and Maeda, S.: Simple methodology for environmental evaluation of tidal flats and shallows focusing on oxygen consumption rate. Proc. 4th Int. Conf on Asian and Pacific Coasts, 14pp., 2007. (in CD-ROM) (査読有, Reviewed)

  43. Rasmeemasmuang, T. and Sasaki, J.: Integrated modeling for formation and characteristics of sediment layer in Tokyo Bay. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 15pp., 2007. (in CD-ROM) (査読有, Reviewed)

  44. Shibayama, T., Sasaki, J., Takagi, H., Achiari, H.: Tsunami Disaster Survey After Central Java Tsunami in 2006, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 2007. (in CD-ROM) (査読有, Reviewed)

  45. 佐々木 淳,Thamnoon Rasmeemasmuang:東京湾における底質粒径分布予測に関する基礎的検討.第56回理論応用力学講演会講演論文集,209-210,2007.(査読無)

  46. Shibayama, T., Okayasu, A., Sasaki, J., Wijayaratna, N., Suzuki, T., Jayaratne, R., Masimin, Zouhrawaty Ariff and Matsumaru, R.: Proc. 30th Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., 2, ASCE, 1469-1476, 2006. (要旨査読有, Abstract reviewed)

  47. Rasmeemasmuang, T. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical simulation of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment accumulation in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Hydroscience and Eng., 17pp., 2006.(査読有, Reviewed)

  48. Rasmeemasmuang T. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical analysis of characteristics of annual accumulated sediment in Tokyo Bay, Proc. Techno-Ocean 2006/19th JASNAOE Ocean Eng. Symp., 8pp., 2006. (in CD-ROM)(査読有, Reviewed)

  49. Achiari, H. and Sasaki, J.: Numerical prediction of spatial and temporal variation of bed shear stress in Sanbanze Tideland of Tokyo Bay. Proc. 8th Int. Summer Symposium, JSCE, Nagoya, Japan, 111-114, 2006. (査読無)

  50. Thamnoon Rasmeemasmuang,佐々木 淳:東京湾の底質堆積分布に関する数値的検討,日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演概要集,No. 19,72-76,2006.(査読無)

  51. 柴山知也,岡安章夫,佐々木 淳,鈴木崇之,松丸 亮,Masimin,Zouhrawaty A. Ariff:インドネシア・バンダアチェにおける津波痕跡高と海岸侵食調査,月刊地球号外,56,146-153,2006.(査読無)

  52. 佐々木 洋之,武田真典,岡野崇裕,佐々木 淳:日向湖を対象とした現地調査と再現計算による水質予測モデルの構築,日本水産工学会学術講演会論文集,4pp., 2006.(査読無)

  53. Sasaki, J. and Igarashi, M., Spatial characteristics of soft-mud accumulation in inner part of Tokyo Bay, Japan, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 943-955, 2005.(査読有, Reviewed)

  54. Shibayama, T., Okayasu, A., Sasaki, J., Wijayaratna, N., Suzuki, T., Jayaratne, R., Masimin, Zouhrawaty Ariff and Matsumaru, R.: Disaster survey of Indian Ocean Tsunami and its application to disaster prevention works. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, Special Tsunami Session, 33-35, 2005.(査読有, Reviewed)

  55. Sasaki, J. Enhanced numerical prediction of water quality in a bay based on buoy monitoring. Proc. Int. Conf. Coasts Ports and Marine Structures 2004 (ICOPMAS2004), 2pp., 2004. (招待講演, Invited)

  56. Sasaki, J, Hagiwara, T. and Isobe, M.: Numerical prediction of physical environmental change after construction of offshore airport planned in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts, 11pp., 2003. (in CD-ROM) (査読有, Reviewed)

  57. Iyoda, N., Sasaki, J. and Isobe, M.: Quantification of oxygen cycling in a seagrass bed, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Asian and Pacific Coasts (Makuhari, Japan), 12pp., 2003. (on CD-ROM) (査読有, Reviewed)

  58. Sasaki, J, Koibuchi, Y. and Isobe, M.: Realistic numerical simulation of water quality and ecosystems in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 3rd Joint Meeting of the Coastal Environmental Science and Technology Panel of the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, 143-157, 2002. (査読無)

  59. Sasaki, J., Koibuchi, Y., Watanabe, R. Isobe, M. and Gomyo, M.: Enhanced monitoring of phytoplankton blooming and nutrient cycling processes in inner part of Tokyo Bay, Proc. 1st Asian and Pacific Coastal Eng. Conf. (Dalian, China), 1, 545-554, 2001.(査読有, Reviewed)

  60. Sasaki, J. and Isobe, M.: Development of a long-term predictive model for baroclinic circulation and its application to blue tide phenomenon in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 27th Int. Conf. Coastal Eng., ASCE, 4, 3870-3883, 2000.(要旨査読有, Abstract reviewed)

  61. Sasaki, J. and Isobe, M.: Development of a long-term predictive model of water quality in Tokyo Bay, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, ASCE, 6, 564-580, 1999.(査読有, Reviewed)

  62. Sasaki, J. and Isobe, M.: A long-term nowcast simulation of hydrodynamic flow and water quality in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 2nd Joint Meeting of the Coastal Environmental Science and Technology Panel of the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources, 99-114, 1999.(査読無)

  63. 神野由紀,佐々木 淳,磯部雅彦,渡辺 晃:東京湾三番瀬における波浪場と底質粒径・底生生物相の予測,日本沿岸域学会研究討論会講演概要集,12,44-49, 1999.(査読無)

  64. Sasaki, J. and Isobe, M.: Upwelling of anoxic water in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 2nd Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Safety and Environmental Engineering, 169-176, 1997.(査読無)

  65. Sasaki, J., Isobe, M., Watanabe, A. and Gomyo, M.: Numerical study on `Aoshio\', upwelling of anoxic water, in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 27th Congress of the Int. Assoc. Hydraulic Res. (San Francisco), B641-B646, 1997.(査読有, Reviewed)

  66. Sasaki, J., Isobe, M., Watanabe, A. and Gomyo, M.: Observation of upwelling of anoxic bottom waters in Tokyo Bay, Proc. 26th Congress of the Int. Assoc. Hydraulic Res. (London), 3, 64-69, 1995.(査読有, Reviewed)

  67. Sasaki, J., Isobe, M., Watanabe, A. and Gomyo, M.: Field measurements of seasonal variation of temperature and dissolved oxygen in Tokyo Bay, Proc. Techno-Ocean \'94 International Symposium (Kobe), 7-12, 1994.(査読有, Reviewed)