Paper accepted in Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier

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A manuscript submitted by Rakib (D1 student) to Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier) has been accepted for publication. This paper revealed that people's livelihoods have been becoming vulnerable by freshwater salination in the southwest part of Bangladesh. In addition, when predicting the damage and coping with it, the traditional local knowledge of the residents has been getting less useful due to the influence of climate change.
Rakib, M. A., Sasaki, J., Palc, S., Md. Asif Newazd, Md. Bodrud-Dozae, Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan. An investigation of coastal vulnerability and internal consistency of local perceptions under climate change risk in the southwest part of Bangladesh. J. Environmental Management, 231, 419-428, 2019. DOI (Click here for free access until Dec. 13, 2018)