Call for application from international students
Updated on July 2, 2024
Important Notice
Please read carefully Information on Entrance Examinations.
Which program are you interested in?
Prospective students interested in estuarine and coastal environmental studies are welcome to consider studying in Sasaki's Laboratory. General information is available in Degree-Seeking Students or
Admission with scholarship if schlarship is requried.
Dr. Sasaki is a faculty member of three programs: Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies (DSCES) and GPSS in Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) and GPES in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Sasaki has also been a member of World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program innovations for Future Society since FY2018.
Briefing for Admission
Updated on July 2, 2024
Ended in 2024. Will be held in spring 2025.
Briefing for admission was held as follows. You are also welcome to visit Sasaki\'s Laboratory anytime after making an appointment via MAIL before the application period.
- From 13:00 to 15:00 on April 27 (Sat), 2024
Briefing session in person
Privately Financed Students
If you are a privately financed prospective student aiming to enroll in Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, you need to take the Ordinary Entrance Examination A in August. Normally, you may first become a research student in October or in April and then take the entrance examination in the coming August. It is also possible to directly take the entrance examination without being a research student. Please refer to GSFS International Liaison Office (ILO), Information on Research Students, and Information on Entrance Examinations.
Financial support for Ph.D. students
There are several UTokyo's programs financially supporting for privately financed Ph.D. students. See the following pages:
WINGS: World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Program
Scholarship Students
Unfortunately there is no scholarship specific for our lab; all scholarships are in a competitive manner. If you are seeking a scholarship, first please carefully read the official information posted by ILO of GSFS. Special selection procedures may be applied to MEXT program in GPSS (The program is evaluated at intervals of several years; there are periods of unavailability.), Asian Development Bank (ADB) Scholarship, and China Scholarship Council (CSC).
1. ADB Scholarship in GSFS for Master's Course
Updated in May 2024
Asian Development Bank (ADB) scholarship will be awarded to selected prospective students who wish to enroll in master course in Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies (DSCES). Some features of this program are summarized as follows:
- English program for those who have basically 2-year or more of full time job experience.
- Application documents should reach the International Liaison Office (ILO) no later than December 10, 2024
- Selection will be based on the submitted documents and online interview examination using Zoom. The ordinary written examination is exempted.
2. MEXT Scholarship in GPSS and Admission Info
The program is evaluated at intervals of several years by MEXT; there are periods of unavailability (see GPSS Web) for details.
This MEXT scholarship program for Ph.D. course and Master's course has been launched since AY2021. This program will be renewed or terminated in a couple of years. Refer to the latest information on GPSS web.
Dr. Sasaki is also a faculty member of GPSS. It is, however, necessary for you to consider whether this program fits your purpose of study because this program is something different from ordinary academic programs in terms of scope, aims, and main activities. To understand these, please read carefully the introduction in the website of GPSS.
3. China Scholarship Council Scholarship (CSC) in DSCES
Updated in July 2024
China Scholarship Council Scholarship (CSC) offers scholarship in DSCES. You may enroll in DSCES without being research student. The entrance examination for CSC is based on submitted documents and oral examination via Zoom and thus you can take the entrance examination in China.
4. MEXT Scholarship with Embassy Recommendation
Updated in July 2024
Japanese Government's (MEXT) scholarships may be offered through the recommendation of the Japanese Embassy in your mother country. You may check this site along with contacting the Japanese Embassy in your mother country for details. With this scholarship, you may enroll in our lab first as a research student; then take the ordinary entrance examination of Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies in August. After passing the examination, you will enroll in a master's program or Ph.D. program in October.
5. MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation
MEXT University Recommendation Program offers scholarships for:
- Those who have studied at GSFS as an exchange program student.
- Those who have participated in any internship program at UTokyo such as UTSIP Kashiwa before and would like to enroll in GSFS as a regular student.
6. Scholarship of Foreign Governments
Some countries may offer their own scholarship; please check by yourself. You need to take the Ordinary Entrance Examination A in August. It is common to become research student first from October or April and take the entrance examination in August.
The University of Tokyo also offers fellowship for Ph.D. students.
Information about other scholarships will be posted on the ILO.
Ordinary Entrance Examination A at DSCES
Updated on May 2, 2024
The ordinary entrance examination A at Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies is held in August. There is no other ordinary entrance examination in our department.
Refer to GSFS official web and Department web.
Note: This page is prepared by Dr. Sasaki for your convenience but not official information. In case there are any mistakes or errors, you need to follow the official guidance by GSFS.