Participated in a talk show at the Zushi Sailing Festival

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I was invited by Prof. Tajima at UTokyo-Hongo, who is working on coastal erosion issues in Zushi Bay, Kanagawa, Japan, to be involved in some of the studies on the restoration of the seagrass and seaweed beds and environmental conservation in the bay. I was invited to participate in a talk show at the Zushi Sailing Festival on June 2, 2024.
The north side of the beach has been eroded by longshore sediment transport from north to south, and rocky substrates have appeared. Sand is deposited on the south side, and a sand-bypassing is being implemented to return it to the north side, but cost is an issue. Other measures, including the use of sand tubes, are being considered.
Zushi Bay, including its surrounding area, is famous for its seaweed resources, such as Sargassum horneri, but in recent years, rocky shore denundation (disappearance of seaweed on rocky substrates) has become a serious problem.
The restoration of seagrass and seaweed beds is expected to be considered in addition to beach erosion countermeasures. The mayor of Zushi City participated in the talk show as well. The mayor was interested in my talk on the active management of nutrients in sewage treatment plants in terms of sewerage blue carbon, because it is time to renew sewage treatment plants.

Zushi Beach

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