September 2024

Research Topics
Deep learning for multilabel classification of coral reef conditions in the Indo-Pacific using underwater photo transect method

Research Overview Because coral reef ecosystems face human activities and climate change threats, coral reef conservation programs are implemented worldwide. Monitoring coral health provides references for guiding conservation activities. However, current labor-intensive methods result in a backlog of unsorted images, highlighting the need for automated classification. Few studies have simultaneously utilized accurate labels along with updated algorithms and datasets. This study aimed to create a dataset representing common coral reef conditions and associated stressors in the Indo-Pacific. Concurrently, it assessed existing classification algorithms and proposed a new multilabel method for automatically detecting coral reef conditions and extracting ecological information. A dataset containing over 20,000 high-resolution coral images of different health […]

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Domestic Travel
30th anniversary of the opening of the Penta-Ocean Construction Technical Research Institute at Nasu

On September 5, 2024, Dr. Sasaki participated in the 30th anniversary event of the Technical Research Institute at Nasu, Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. It took about 15 minutes by shuttle bus from Nasushiobara Station to the institute. We visited the Penta-Ocean Museum and learned about the history of the company's development. The cutter head of the dredger used in the dredging of the Suez Canal is a highlight. Model of a dredger (the tip extending to the lower right is the cutter). Cutter attached to dredger. 30th Anniversary Lecture

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