June 2020

Making vim (vi) text color easier to see on WSL-Ubuntu

Comments in .bashrc hard to see I'm using WSL-Ubuntu session of MobaXterm on Ubuntu 18.04LTS on WSL, but when I open .bashrc with vi (vim), comments are hard to see. So make the text color easier to see. Referring to this site (in Japanese), let's introduce a color scheme of molokai to make it easier to see. Installing molokai Start a terminal, create vim's personal setting directory .vim in the home directory, install molokai, and open .vimrc using vi. $ mkdir .vim $ cd .vim $ mkdir colors $ git clone https://github.com/tomasr/molokai Cloning into'molokai'... remote: Enumerating objects: 148, done. remote: Total 148 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 148 […]

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Working on GitLab by mirroring open source model

Clone open source model to GitLab Taking an ocean model ROMS as an example, let's consider the best practice of operating the ROMS repositories by cloning (not forking) the original ROMS repository to GitLab, where the mirroring is set to automatically import the update of the original repository. Please refer to this article for the settings up to this point. I will create and operate my own devel branch to avoid changing the repository cloned from the original repository on GitLab. Now the remote repository is GitLab cloning (mirroring) the original ROMS repository; local repository is operated using GitBash on Windows 10 Pro and Git on Supercomputer ITO. Final workflow […]

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Git for Windows

Install Install Git for Windows on Windows 10 Pro and manage version control with Git Bash. It is assumed that the compilation and execution will be done on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on WSL on Windows 10 Pro. Therefore, the linefeed code should always be in Linux format. This linefeed code stuff is a trap for beginners, so be careful. Download Git for Windows from here and start installation by double-clicking. Basically, the default is OK, but in the question about line endings appearing nearly at the end (Configuring line ending conversions), click the third option below. This allows you to work while always maintaining the Linux linefeed code. Checkout as-is, […]

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Using Markdown editor StackEdit on GSuite

StackEdit initial settings Our lab members use GSuite; it is convenient if README.MD is prepared in Markdown in a shared folder and can be viewed. This can be realized by StackEdit. Here and here (both in Japanese) are helpful. StackEdit is a browser-based (confirmed using Chrome) Markdown editor and can be used standalone. You do not need to register; access here, read the explanation, and start writing with START WRITING at the top. At first, the following Welcome to StackEdit document appears, the left is the manuscript in Markdown notation while the right is its display. There are Toggle explorer buttons in the upper left and upper right. As shown […]

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HYCOM dataset usage

HYCOM Datasets In HYCOM Data Server, the results of HYCOM's global ocean flow field reproduction prediction results are available as a dataset. The two main ones are: They are Analysis and Reanalysis. The difference in contents is written in here. The items are the same for both, SSH (sea surface height), zonal velocity (east-west velocity), meridional velocity (north-north velocity), temperature (in-situ water temperature), and salinity. GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 ° Analysis Archive from July 2014 to the present. Details are here. Be careful that there are Missing days. GOFS 3.1: 41-layer HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 ° Reanalysis This is an archive every 3 hours from […]

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