2019.12.17 Paper published in Chemosphere

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A research paper submitted by Rakib (D2 student) to Chemosphere was accepted and published as in the following link. We performed a field survey of groundwater quality and questionnaire on local perception in southeastern coastal part of Bangladesh. Groundwater was found to be severely contaminated owing to salinity intrusion. High concentrations of co-contaminants in groundwater were also found to be a great concern for future drinking water security among coastal communities. Congratulations, Rakib!
Rakib, M.A., Sasaki, J., Matsuda, H., Quraishi, S.B., Md. Juel Mahmud, Md. Bodrud-Doza, Atique Ullah, A.K.M., Fatema, K.J., Md. Asif Newaz and Bhuiyan, M.A.H. Groundwater salinization and associated co-contamination risk increase severe drinking water vulnerabilities in the southwestern coast of Bangladesh. Chemosphere, 246, 125646, 2020. DOI
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