
Build FVCOM4.1 (Series) on ITO Subsystem-A using Intel Compilers

This is a memorandum of how to build and execute FVCOM 4.1 in series (non MPI) using Intel compilers on Supercomputer ITO Subsystem A at Kyushu University. Suppose the source code exists in [cci]FVCOM4.1/FVCOM_source[/cci], and [cci]FVCOM4.1/Examples/Estuary[/cci] is a selected test case. Installing nkf Line feed of some distributed source files is for Windows and need to be fixed using nkf. For installing nkf, download the source of [cci]nkf[/cci] from this site , copy it to [cci] ~/src [/cci], and extract and build it. [cc lang='bash'] $ tar xf nkf-2.1.4.tar.gz $ cd nkf-2.1.4 $ make ### Create ~/local/bin and add its PATH $ cp nkf ~/local/bin/ [/cc] Check line feed of […]

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Setup environment on ITO at Kyushu University Supercomputer

The following is a memo of initial setup for subsystem A on ITO at Kyushu University. Login environment If you are using in Japanese, in [cci].bashrc[/cci], the following setting should be implemented to avoid garbled characters in the terminal. [cc] export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [/cc] Install Anaconda To avoid conflict with the pre-installed Python system, pyenv is installed and used to create a virtual environment. Install pyenv Pyenv can be easily installed as follows: [cc] $ cd ~ $ git clone git:// .pyenv [/cc] Edit ~/.bashrc Add the following in .bashrc: [cc] export PYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.pyenv" if [ -d "${PYENV_ROOT}" ]; then export PATH=${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:$PATH eval "$(pyenv init -)" fi [/cc] You can take a […]

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