2018.9.9-10 UTokyo Hydrosphere Group field trip
We participated in a UTokyo hydrosphere group trip visiting Kashima Coast, Inbanuma Pond, Tonegawa River Weir, Hitachigawa River Gate, Mizunowato Sawara, Tonegawa River Pumping Station, and Kita-Chiba Pumping Station.
Lab Farewell Party
Farewell and celebration party of our laboratory. Congratulation on your getting master’s degree at the University of Tokyo!
2018. 9.4-8 JICA - Can Tho University capacity building project
As part of the Can Tho University capacity building project supported by JICA, I took a business trip to Can Tho University in Vietnam on the itinerary from September 4 to 8, 2018. The outbound route was 9/4 JL 079 HND/SGN 01:25/05:15, and the return route was 9/7 JL070 SGN/HND 23:25/06:55+1. From Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho City, it takes approximately 3 hours to 4 hours by car. The time has been shortened considerably since the Can Tho bridge was constructed. The hotel I stayed at was Ninh Kieu 2 (designated by JICA), and the exchange rate was 100 JPY = 20,000+ […]
APNG Animation using APNG Assembler (CUI)
GIF animation has been popular since long ago, but in recent years APNG animation (Animation consisting of a time series of PNG files) seems to be becoming popular and supported by the latest major browsers, including Google Chrome. As software to create APNG, APNG Assembler (apngasm) is a standard. Although there is a GUI version on Windows, from the consistency with the Linux environment, I will summarize the creation method using the CUI version. Install APNG Assembler APNG Assembler web site. Download an appropriate file from List of files. For example, Windows 64 bit CUI binary is apngasm-2.91-bin-win64.zip and Linux CUI binary is apngasm-2.91-bin-linux.zip. Although you may install it on […]
Set up ITO-A@kyushu-u supercomputer
This is a memorandum report for seting up an environment on ITO-A at Kyushu University Supercomputer Center. How to login On Windows, you need a terminal emulator to login and MobaXterm is recommended to use, which also has a function of X11 forwarding for displaying X Window screen. Its installation method is introduced in this site (in Japanese). Change file access permission You may change the permission of your directories and files as follows so that group members can read and execute files and help you: chmod -R 750 /home/usr_num/account where the first, second, and third digits are types of permissions for user, group, and all the others, and the […]
Setup Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL on Windows 10 Pro
Install Ubuntu 18.04 Install Ubuntu 18.04 through Microsoft Store on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 10 Pro (ver. 1803). It is very simple. Update and upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 Update and upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 as follows. It will take a long time. [cc lang='bash'] username@HOSTNAME:~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y [sudo] password for username: Get:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [83.2 kB] Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease [242 kB] ... (Long lines continued) [/cc] You can check the version. [cc lang='bash'] username@HOSTNAME:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic [/cc] Sharing Windows' folders To make it easy to […]
Install Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 Composer on WSL Ubuntu on Windows10
I installed Inte Parallel Studio XE 2018 Composer on WSL Ubuntu on Windows 10. In November, 2017, I tried to install it as posted here (in Japanese), it was not successful. This time I successfully installed it on Windows 10 ver. 1803 issued in April, 2018. Installation Download [cci]Version 2018 (Update 2) March 21, 2018[/cci] from the license administration server in here and save it in an appropriate directory and extract it. Move to the extracted directory and invoke [cci]install_sh[/cci]. [cc lang="bash"] $ tar xf parallel_studio_xe_2018_update2_composer_edition_online.tgz $ cd parallel_studio_xe_2018_update2_composer_edition_online $ sudo ./install.sh [/cc] Just follow the instruction. Basically the default values are fine. After completing the installation, invoke a tool […]
Upgrade Ubuntu on WSL on Windows10
Windows10 was upgraded to 1803 at the end of April 2018. It seems that Windows Sybsystem for Linux (WSL) has been enhanced, and we will also upgrade WSL's Unbutu to the latest version. Confirm version Start up Ubuntu terminal and check the version. [cc] $ uname -a Linux T470-S 4.4.0-17134-Microsoft #1-Microsoft Tue Apr 10 18:04:00 PST 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [/cc] [cc] $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial [/cc] Local cache update Update the local cache of the installed packages. In my environment, this setting prompted me to enter root's password. [cc] $ sudo apt update […]
DEM and Coastline data
DEM Digital Elevation Model ASTER GDEM 30 m DEM SRTM at CGIAR-CSI 90 m DEM and re-sampled 250 m, 500 m, and 1km DEM Coastline Data NOAA GEODASS NOAA's online coastline extractor is no longer recommended to use. Instead, download GSHHG in binary file and manipulate it on a software geodas-ng. Also GEODASS coastlines may be downloaded and processed using geodas-ng. geodas-ng can draw a map of specified lon & lat ranges and then export it in a various file format, including GMT text format and ESRI shape file format.
Build FVCOM4.1 (MPI) on ITO Subsystem-A using Intel Compilers
This page is a memorandum of building and executing [cci]FVCOM4.1[/cci] in [cci]MPI[/cci] using Intel compilers on the supercomputer Subsystem-A of ITO at Kyushu University. Those in [cci]Series[/cci] are introduced in this page. The building environment for [cci]Series[/cci] should be prepared. The source files are supposed to exist in [cci]FVCOM4.1/FVCOM_source[/cci] and the test case is [cci]Estuary[/cci] in [cci]FVCOM4.1/Examples/Estuary[/cci]. Preparation for METIS METIS library requires to be installed for building for MPI. First [cci]load[/cci] Intel compilers: [cc] $ module load intel/2018 [/cc] Environmental variables for Intel C compiler should be made as follows: [cc] $ export CC=icc $ export CPP="icc -E" [/cc] Move to the directory of [cci]FVCOM4.1/METIS_source[/cci] where the [cci]METIS[/cci] source […]