博士論文 Doctoral theses
年月 Year.Month |
題目 Title |
Program |
2020.3 | Numerical Assessment of Multi-hazard Vulnerability in Tokyo Bay Using an Integrated Coastal Ocean and Drainage Pipe Model 沿岸海洋・排水管統合モデルを用いた沿岸複合災害による東京湾沿岸の脆弱性評価 |
2019.9 | Evaluation of coastal erosion processes and management in a developing country: A case study in Marawila Beach, Sri Lanka 途上国における海岸の侵食過程と管理手法の評価 - スリランカ・マラウィラ海岸を例として - |
2015.9 | Development of a benthic-pelagic coupled numerical model for analyzing water and sediment quality in Tokyo Bay 東京湾の水質底質解析のための水中・堆積物結合数値モデルの開発 |
Yokohama National University 横浜国立大学 |
2015.3 | Unstructured mesh tsunami simulation using FVCOM considering the fine structure of land use | Yokohama National University 横浜国立大学 |
修士論文 Master theses
年月 Year.Month |
題目 Title |
Program |
2019.9 | Efficacy of environmental DNA to quantify Hard clam and Manila clam abundances in shallow water and tidal flat areas of Tokyo Bay | DSCES |
2019.3 | 日本沿岸域に分布するアマモ場による二酸化炭素吸収量の試算 Estimation of the Amount of CO2 Absorption by Eelgrass Bed in Japanese Coastal Areas |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
2019.3 | 東京湾における水質と漁獲量の長期変遷に関する研究 Study on long-term transition of water quality and fishery production in Tokyo Bay |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
2018.9 | Evaluation of groundwater quality, human health impacts and population migration risk in the southwest coastal part of Bangladesh | GPSS-GLI |
2018.9 | Sustainability evaluation of marine protected areas index: Benchmarking El Nido-Taytay managed resource protected area | GPSS-GLI |
2018.3 | 水流発生装置を用いた港内および浅場の貧酸素改善方策の検討 Numerical study on effective measures for reducing hypoxia and anoxia using a water circulation system in ports and shoal |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
2017.3 | 水底質統合モデルを用いた東京湾における炭素収支の評価 Evaluation of carbon budget in Tokyo Bay using benthic-pelagic coupled numerical model |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
2016.9 | Study on variation in turbidity in Cam Ranh Bay and Thuy Trieu Lagoon, Vietnam | DSCES |
2016.9 | Impact of major climate variables on crop agriculture and local adaptation strategies in southeast coastal region of Bangladesh | DSCES |
2016.9 | Study on spatial and temporal variation of anoxic water and sulfide in Tokyo Bay | DSCES |
2016.9 | Assessment of the co-benefits of structures in coastal areas for tsunami mitigation and improving community resilience in Sri Lanka スリランカの沿岸域における津波減災と地域社会の回復力向上に向けた既存施設のコベネフィット評価 |
2016.3 | 東京湾冬季におけるクロロフィルaの時空間変動特性および推定手法に関する研究 Study on spatio-temporal variation and estimation method of chlorophyll-a in winter of Tokyo Bay |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
2015.9 | Status of antibiotic residues in shrimp and prawn muscle in Bangladesh and associate health risk assessment バングラデシュにおけるエビ身肉中抗生物質の残留状況と健康リスク評価 |
2015.9 | Impact of tidal inundation on rice crop and adaptation strategies in coastal area of Cambodia - A case study in Preaek Tnaot Commune, Teak Chhu District, Kampot Province, Cambodia - | GPSS-GLI |
2015.3 | 東京湾奥部における有機汚濁底質の空間堆積特性 Spatial deposition characteristics of organic pollution sediment in the inner part of Tokyo Bay |
社会文化環境学専攻 DSCES |
卒業論文 Bachelor theses
年月 Year.Month |
卒論題目 Title |
Program |
2020.3 | 東京湾奥の閉鎖性水域における水環境に関する研究 Study on water environment in a semi-enclosed sea at the head of Tokyo Bay |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2019.3 | 鉛直一次元モデルを用いた東京湾におけるCO2吸収フラックスの変動特性 Numerical analysis of temporal variation of CO2 uptake in Tokyo Bay using a one-dimensional water column model |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2018.3 | 東京湾における貧酸素水塊の時空間変動要因に関するデータ解析 Data analysis on spatio-temporal variation of hypoxic water in Tokyo Bay |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2018.3 | 東京港お台場海浜公園における下水道越流水の拡散解析 Numerical investigation on dispersion of combined sewer overflow in Odaiba Seaside Park of Tokyo Port |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2016.3 | 防波堤ケーソン据付時における動揺制御手法の検討 Method for oscillation damping of caisson during installation work |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2015.3 | 東京湾における貧酸素水塊の時空間分布特性 Spatio-temporal features of hypoxia in Tokyo Bay |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |
2014.3 | タイ湾奥部マングローブ沼地の変遷と持続的利用への方策 Historical change and sustainable use of mangrove wetland in the upper Gulf of Thailand |
工学部社会基盤学科 Dept of Civil Eng. |